COMMITTEE'S PRIORITIES: Connect with local, national, and global communities as we seek to do God's will.
OPC members buy or make cookies to deliver to other OPC members, the veterans at Eagle Star House, and Open Door Mission who might need a little cheering up during this time of year.
OPC members buy or make cookies to deliver to other OPC members, the veterans at Eagle Star House, and Open Door Mission who might need a little cheering up during this time of year.
On the first Sunday of May OPC members walk along the canal from Union St. to Washington St. and back to raise money for Church World Service's hunger fighting program as well as the Spencerport Food Shelf.
On the first Sunday of May OPC members walk along the canal from Union St. to Washington St. and back to raise money for Church World Service's hunger fighting program as well as the Spencerport Food Shelf.
Stockings for Veterans
In October and November we collect items to fill stockings to give to the veterans at the Eagle Star House.
In October and November we collect items to fill stockings to give to the veterans at the Eagle Star House.
"Souper Bowl" Sunday: A collection of canned soup is taken on Super Bowl Sunday for the Spencerport Food Shelf.
Community Clothes Closet
The Clothes Closet is open to the public from 10am to Noon on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, and is housed directly inside the church building.