"Let the little children come to me... for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." Matthew 19:14
Ogden Presbyterian Church includes the sacrament of Baptism in worship services.
Baptism is the sign and seal of God's grace and covenant in Christ. As The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (USA) explains, baptism signifies the faithfulness of God, the washing away of sin, rebirth, putting on the fresh garment of Christ, and adoption into the covenant family of the church.
The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God's love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The congregation, on behalf of the whole church, assumes responsibility for nurturing the baptized children in the Christian life, and it is for this reason that the congregation makes such a promise during the service.
In the unison prayer we also remember that we, too, were baptized, and as children of God are part of the worldwide family of faith.
For more information about baptism at Ogden Presbyterian Church, contact our pastor at (585) 352-6802.
The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God's love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The congregation, on behalf of the whole church, assumes responsibility for nurturing the baptized children in the Christian life, and it is for this reason that the congregation makes such a promise during the service.
In the unison prayer we also remember that we, too, were baptized, and as children of God are part of the worldwide family of faith.
For more information about baptism at Ogden Presbyterian Church, contact our pastor at (585) 352-6802.